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Police1 guide to building a real time crime center (eBook)

Key considerations for agencies as they begin the journey toward implementing real time crime center capabilities

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Real Time Crime Centers (RTCCs) have proven to be game-changers in law enforcement, harnessing the power of technology and data to combat crime more effectively and efficiently.

Now is the time for law enforcement agencies, regardless of size, to start the conversation about RTCCs. Evaluating the specific needs of their communities and identifying how real-time data can support their efforts is the first step toward making a dramatic improvement in public safety.

Proactive planning and strategic investments in technology and training will empower agencies to stay ahead of criminal activity, fostering safer and more secure environments for all residents.

In this eBook, sponsored by Flock Safety, we explore key considerations for agencies as they begin their journey toward implementing real time crime center capabilities. Download to access:

  • Key considerations for PDs when setting up a real time crime center
  • Answers to the most frequently asked questions about real time crime centers
  • Strategies to harness the power of data analytics in RTCC operations

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