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The Up-Beat: LEO buys Xmas gifts for family, cop teaches boy to ride & more good police news

Here’s our latest roundup of stories about cops doing good across the nation

anne arundel police officer.jfif

Anne Arundel County Police Department

By Police1 Staff

From small gestures of kindness to incredible acts of heroism, police officers help their communities every day. The Up-Beat aims to bring greater attention to these positive stories at a time when we could all use some good news.

Check out our latest roundup of inspiring stories from around the country. Got an uplifting story to share? Email

1. Md. cop buys Christmas gifts for family that had money stolen

The officer was on a call when she discovered a family had their Christmas money stolen. FULL STORY

2. NC police officer helps boy learn to ride bike

The impromptu lesson occurred when the officer was asked by the boy’s mother to teach her son how to ride. FULL STORY

3. Philly police help fix roof of elderly woman who fell victim to scam

“Every night I went home when it was raining and I couldn’t stop thinking about her,” said Officer Cynthia Padua. FULL STORY

4. Double amputee, military veteran becomes Texas police officer

Zach Briseno had always planned to continue a life of service after leaving the military. FULL STORY

5. Kan. deputies help buy van for mother who walked 6 miles to work

The LEOs, along with assistance from the community, provided the mother with a van, registration, insurance, two car seats, a grocery store giftcard and $200. FULL STORY

Police1 is always looking for more stories about cops doing good in their communities. If you have positive news you’d like us to highlight, please share it with us at