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Wash. cops to patrol tunnel where girl was beaten

Enhanced security measures follow an attack on a 15-year-old girl

The Associated Press

SEATTLE — King County officials say armed, uniformed sheriff’s deputies will be posted in the Seattle bus tunnel during operating hours after a 15-year-old girl was beaten there while three security guards took no action.

King County Executive Dow Constantine said Thursday that at least one deputy will be posted at each of five tunnel stations as an interim step during a review of the contract with the company that provides security guards.

The enhanced security measures took effect Thursday night.

The teen victim was knocked unconscious in the Jan. 28 attack but not seriously injured.

A 15-year-old girl accused of beating and robbing the other girl pleaded not guilty Thursday in Juvenile Court.

Video of the beating has prompted King County Metro to review its policy of having contract security guards only observe and report crimes.

Three young men arrested after the tunnel fight are facing robbery charges as adults. They are set to be arraigned Feb. 24.