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Houston Chief: Please stop harassing my officers

“Rhetoric can give someone a free pass to assault a police officer or kill a police officer and I’m not going to allow that”

By Cindy George
Houston Chronicle

HOUSTON — Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland went on the defensive Thursday during a meeting with local journalists, saying officers have made recent traffic stops in which residents leave their vehicles to take pictures or shoot video — encounters he says could endanger officers and that have increased following the release of the Chad Holley beating footage.

“Officers are telling me that they’re being provoked,” the chief said. “Even when they try to write a simple traffic ticket, people are jumping out with cell phone cameras scanning their badge numbers and their nametags. And I’ve asked them to remain calm and treat people with respect and dignity.”

McClelland said he is concerned that an intensifying anti-police sentiment in the community could increase negative interactions between Houston Police Department officers and residents.

Read more on the Houston Chronicle.

We will add the Chief’s entire 32 minute address as soon as it becomes available.

Portions can be seen in both of these videos.