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11 ways police work made me a better person

People often look at ways an officer can make things better, but has anyone really thought about how law enforcement makes a positive difference in us?


As cops, we sacrifice so much of ourselves to our department and community that sometimes we don’t stop to think about what the career has given back to us.

When I first became a police officer, I had dreams of grandeur that I would save the world. The blue flame was in full force during those first few months.

I think in the hearts of many, that reverie never dies, but maybe the world becomes smaller and condenses to the community you serve. No matter how many times our duty just entails putting a Band-Aid on things, we want to make a difference.

People often look at ways an officer can make things better, but has anyone really thought about how law enforcement makes a positive difference in us? Here are some ways police work made me a better person:

1. My love for humanity became more organic than superficial.

No matter how much human misery or tragedy I observed, I never lost my faith in people. I saw towns come together during desperate moments and strangers reach out to help one another on scenes. There were times on calls when a citizen’s words or deeds impacted me in a positive manner. Through all the rubble, the benevolence that shines through never ceases to amaze me.

2. I am not a pussy.

My career added some internal grit that I never had before. I certainly can muscle through the dynamic situations and play hardball with the criminals. It also helped me get through life with fewer bumps.

3. My street savvy and discipline leached through to my home life.

Growing up in the Wild West probably gave me a little edge. But damn! Add cophood to that and my situational awareness and emotional intelligence is on fleek.

4. The Momster in me is on top of the creepers.

With all that we experience during our careers, cops are careful to protect our own and guide them through some of life’s troubles. My eyes are wide open in many areas that some parents might be uninformed or complacent about. At the same time, my daughter isn’t locked in a bubble; she’s trained to defend herself, aware that what lurks can be evil and taught to be a good person.

5. Law enforcement put a compress on my bleeding heart.

I had always thought of myself as overly magnanimous. Some of that got callused over when I became a police officer, but not all is lost. Now I stay on an even keel and make more objective decisions. In fact, I maybe sway towards being jaded, and those bleeding hearts now annoy me somewhat. In the end, it’s all good.

6. Fitness has become a lifestyle, not a hobby.

It’s no secret that being a police officer is a very active line of work. Law enforcement officials must be conditioned to face physical challenges on the street. For me, it has become more than that. Physical fitness and mental well-being are essential in preventing long-term health problems and providing mental clarity.

7. I feel fit to drive an Indy car.

Cops drive for most of their shift in all types of conditions, often posthaste. This has certainly prepared me for any racing situation. Anyone need a driver?

8. I’ve channeled my humanitarian side.

When you see the struggles within your community from the front line, it changes your perspective. Perhaps you might find me shoveling snow from a driveway in uniform or replacing a victim’s stolen gifts. Maybe off-duty I will be working at the food bank or donating time and goods to the animal shelter.

9. Hercules, step aside.

I stand up for myself and sometimes from the highest mountain. Hello. Who else is going to do it? No doormat-itis here. If you don’t like strength and independence, seek life elsewhere.

10. Girly girl days are special to me.

Treating myself like a princess becomes a celebration. Wearing a uniform every day makes high heels and pretty dresses extra enjoyable. It’s exciting to put the man shoes aside for a little fun.

11. My senses are heightened.

My hearing and vision skills are so sharp, they open up a whole new world. Cops have to have their heads on a swivel these days. Those habits don’t leave us when we hang up the uniform. It is amazing what tunes those birds actually sing out there. I bet you didn’t know the colors of the world really are in HD.

As cops, we sacrifice so much of ourselves to our department and community that sometimes we don’t stop to think about what the career has given back to us or how it has made us better. I am thankful for the positive transformations that have become a permanent part of me.

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