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Police detain protesters outside Bush library opening

The three people were placed in patrol cars Thursday as about 200 people marched in protest

Associated Press

DALLAS — Police have detained at least three people during a protest march in Dallas near the dedication site of the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

The three people were placed in patrol cars Thursday as about 200 people marched and chanted near the campus of Southern Methodist University. At least two of them, wearing masks of George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, pushed toward police before being taken away.

The demonstrations were restricted to a zone cordoned off by barricades and separated from the center by a highway.

Other protesters included ex-talk show host Phil Donahue, who was executive director of the anti-war documentary called “Body of War.”

Dozens of others wore signs listing the names of those who died in wars launched by the Bush administration.

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