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‘Killer cops’ graffitied outside Philly police HQ

Anti-police message came after DA said Thursday that the two unidentified officers involved in the deadly altercation wouldn’t face criminal charges

By Emily Babay

PHILADELPHIA — A day after two officers were cleared of criminal wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of a Frankford man during a December traffic stop, someone took to the sidewalk outside police headquarters to protest that decision and the man’s death.

The phrase “Killer cops destroying communities” was scrawled on the sidewalk outside the building on Race Street near Eighth Street, followed by "#whokilledbrandontatebrown.”

The anti-police message outside the department’s headquarters came after District Attorney Seth Williams said Thursday that the two unidentified officers involved in the deadly altercation wouldn’t face criminal charges.

Brandon Tate-Brown, 25, was fatally shot during a Dec. 15 traffic stop in Mayfair. Police said he was pulled over for driving without his headlights turned on.

A struggle ensued after an officer saw a gun in his vehicle and Tate-Brown was asked to leave the car, authorities said.

Hours after Williams announced his decision on Thursday, a heated protest erupted during a community meeting in the city’s Lawncrest section.

The hashtag found on the Race Street sidewalk Friday morning echoed the chants from those protesters, who yelled, “No justice, no peace, no racist police” and “Who killed Brandon Tate-Brown?” before Commissioner Charles Ramsey addressed the meeting.

After the fracas, Ramsey stated that the violent reaction was why he was not releasing the names of the officers involved in Tate-Brown’s death.

Tate-Brown’s family has pushed for more information to be released about the young man’s death. An attorney for the family has said many questions remain and a civil lawsuit is being explored.

Copyright 2015