By Abbe Smith
New Haven Register
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Calling the police should not be the trigger response any time a kid gets caught fighting at school or stealing a candy bar at the store.
That was the opinion of three juvenile justice experts who met Wednesday night for a filmed conversation with N’Zinga Shani, executive director of OneWorld Progressive Institute. The panel discussed juvenile justice issues, dispelled some myths about teen behavior and talked about resources available to kids and parents for a show called “The Education Agenda” that was filmed at the North Haven Community Television studio.
Abby Anderson, executive director of the Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance, said the three most common things for which teens get arrested are larceny, disturbing the peace and simple assault.
“A ton of kids get arrested for school fights,” Anderson said.
Anderson, whose nonprofit seeks to reduce the number of young people entering the juvenile justice system in the first place, said calling police isn’t always the best answer. Many kids would benefit more from social or mental health services.
Another panelist, Kyisha Velaquez, who runs juvenile review boards for New Haven Family Alliance, said police should be a last resort in such cases.
“Police are supposed to be here to protect and serve, not to handle conflicts in school, not to provide social services, not to solve family disputes,” she said.
Youths who commit major or violent crimes should be handled by the criminal justice system, she said, but there are other avenues for youths who commit less serious crimes.
Velaquez’s juvenile review board is a diversion program for teens who commit a first offense of minor significance. The model is a form of restorative justice where teens go before a community board, are connected to social services and ultimately find ways to repair the harm to the community caused by their behavior.
“We want to help the child be accountable for their own actions,” Velaquez said.
Also on the panel was John Gill, director of Juvenile Justice Services of the Children’s Community Programs of Connecticut. Gill’s program serves young people who committed a crime, served time in the juvenile justice system and are returning to the community. He helps kids get back into school and back on the path to high school graduation.
Gill talked about the need to make parents more accountable for their kids. “We see a lot of parents make excuses for their kids,” he said.
In addition to engaging their children and taking active roles in their education, parents should reach out to available services if they need help dealing with a troubled youth.
“Don’t be afraid to call DCF,” he said, referring to the state Department of Children and Families, which can connect parents with important social services. The panelists also reminded parents that they can call 211, the United Way info-line.
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