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Fla. chief issues himself parking fine

The chief said accountability ‘starts at the top’

By Ryan Gillespie
Orlando Sentinel

GROVELAND, Fla. — Groveland Police Chief Melvin Tennyson is a little lighter in the wallet following a self-issued parking fine.

A Facebook post circulated around the south Lake city Tuesday, with photos of the chief’s vehicle parked on the sidewalk outside of City Hall. The poster, David Bires, said the police department was ticketing residents $40 for parking in their own driveway if they blocked sidewalks.

The post was shared more than 300 times in less than 24 hours.

Tennyson said he was in a meeting with City Manager Redmond Jones last night at City Hall, and pulled up next to Jones’ car and ran inside. After the meeting, a Groveland Police Road Supervisor called Tennyson and told him he was parked on the sidewalk.

“The sergeant brought it to my attention and I paid it. It’s the right thing to do,” Tennyson said Wednesday. “How can I have my officers write parking tickets and completely dismiss it?”

Tennyson said he wasn’t aware of the Facebook post until this morning after he paid his self-imposed fine. Wednesday, the Groveland Police Department responded to the post and included a photo of a message the Chief wrote to Jones and the city council.

“The reason I have done this is due to the fact that we enforce our parking violations as well as all laws and city ordinances…" Tennyson wrote. “I cannot therefore hold anyone accountable until I hold myself accountable and as I have always said it starts at the top.”

A $45 fee later, maybe he’ll pay closer attention.

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