What’s the old saying? ... Law Enforcement is 99 percent boredom and 1 percent sheer terror.
You would have never thought an encounter with a Bengal Tiger could have occurred in North East Iowa.
We had a frantic 911 call for assistance yesterday from a female claiming her Bengal Tiger had gotten loose from its cage. The tiger was attacking the family dog.
Of course, our concern was for the caller’s welfare and safety, so we expedited our response. Upon arrival, we witnessed the melee between the dog and tiger. The dog ran for a deputy’s car and the tiger followed.
The blood smear on the car is that of the dog when the tiger pinned it against the car. The tiger moved upward toward the hood and slightly open window of the squad car where the deputy was sitting.
The tiger was hit by .223, turned away, struck several more times with .223 and dropped about 15 feet from the deputy’s car.
As you can see, the animals upper ‘canine’ tooth is nearly the length of my finger. His two claws are large too.
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Ever heard of non-domesticated animal policy and proceedures? If so, I’d like to view them.
Submitted by:
Lt. TW Miller
Officer of the Chickasaw County Sheriff
New Hampton, Iowa
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