Despite C Tidmore’s well-intentioned caution about removing handcuff keys from your personal key ring to prevent you from inadvertently tipping the bad guys off about your law enforcement status, I will keep my key on my ring, thank you.
I have seldom had any occasion for anyone to look at my key ring, and if I leave my truck for service or valet park it (almost never) they get only my truck key.
In addition to the cuff key on my personal key ring, I keep a key not only on my work key ring, but another concealed on my belt keeper.
I think rather than have Officers remove handcuff keys from their key rings, they just keep their keys to themselves and don’t flash them. My handcuff keys are the small ones that come from the manufacturer, not some of these huge keys that you can get through the catalogs. I am not only telling my Officers to keep their cuff keys handy, I make sure they all know how to shim handcuffs open if they are not double-locked.
Personally, I would rather Officers pay attention to not displaying things like badge wallets, cop hats, tee shirts and belt buckles that tell the whole world that they are cops. Leave the keys in your pocket and you won’t have any trouble at all.