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Video: San Francisco cops shoot man after scuffle

Officers shot the suspect after he allegedly attacked police who were responding to a restraining order violation

By Police1 Staff

SAN FRANCISCO — Police released footage Wednesday of a Jan. 6 shooting of a man who allegedly attacked officers who were responding to a restraining order violation.

Responding officers found Sean Moore in distress at the top of his home’s stairs, SFGate reported.

Moore became agitated with officers, and told them to get off of his stairs. When he came toward the officers, one officer sprayed him with pepper spray.

The officer’s partner was also hit by spray as the two retreated down the steps.

Moore came down the stairs to retrieve the restraining order papers he dropped when a struggle occurred. Officer Colin Patino raised his baton to subdue Moore, but was knocked to the ground.

Authorities released a photo of Patino’s bloody face caused by a hit to the nose.

After Patino fell to the ground, Cha fired twice, wounding Moore. He was treated at a hospital and transferred to a local jail, according to the publication.

Police Chief Toney Chaplin said Moore had an unknown object in his hand and he was at a physical advantage because he was above the officers on the stairs. The suspect was later discovered to be unarmed.

Moore’s family members said that he has a history of paranoid schizophrenia that area officers are aware of.

“This is a situation that could have and should have been avoided,” Public Defender Jeff Adachi said. “This is a situation where Mr. Moore did not have to be shot. If the officers had used de-escalation techniques, they could have gone home.”

“They did what they could to try and calm him down,” Chaplin said. “You can hear the officers clearly say, ‘He has something in his hand.’ Yet they did not default to gun. They used pepper spray, then they used a baton.”

The footage is the first video released since officers were issued body cameras last year.