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Virtual training helps prepare Texas cops for survival

By Jim Bergamo

AUSTIN, Texas — The Austin Police Department hopes a virtual training facility inside a tractor-trailer can help its officers learn how to survive and save lives in a constitutionally sound manner.

At the APD training academy site in Southeast Travis County you’ll find the Laser Shot demonstration trailer. Not much on the outside -- but inside, APD officers with real guns face real-life training situations. The way it works, whether the officer fires a gun or a Taser, the bullet or Taser dart leaves a heat signature that’s read by a computer.

“I really believe that you do in the real world what you do in training and this is real world training, realistic training where the mistakes that are made we want them to be made here not out on the streets,” said APD Chief Art Acevedo.

Read full story here: APD trailer uses real-life situations to train officers