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Why officers won’t do what Bloomberg suggests


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has suggested that Mayor Bloomberg (above) is using the victims of the Colorado massacre as “political pawns.” PoliceOne Editor in Chief Doug Wyllie agrees with Christie one hundred percent.

AP Image

No matter where you stand on the issue of citizens’ gun ownership (full disclosure: I’m a lifetime member of the NRA), I have to believe just about every Police1 Member will be as appalled as I had been upon hearing about the comments of Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Monday’s episode of CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.”

The Mayor of New York has long been an anti-gun activist, and has chosen to use the dreadful tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, to press his political agenda.

My jawbone about hit my clavicle when a very good friend of mine called me on the phone yesterday and told me that Bloomberg stated on national television, “I don’t understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.”

Well, Mr. Bloomberg, I do understand why officers in this great nation will not do what you suggest.

Because they have sworn an oath to protect their communities from criminals.

They have studied diligently and trained vigorously to meet whatever evil that may confront them on the streets anytime they go 10-8.

They have taken it upon themselves to be the sheepdogs protecting the flock from the wolves.

They take their duties seriously, and no matter where they stand on the Second Amendment in the United States Constitution Bill of Rights, they approach their jobs with professionalism and valor so great that it will forever evade your imagination.

Bloomberg’s comments reveal his utter disdain for the victims of the tragedy in Aurora — New Jersey Governor Christie correctly assessed, in my opinion, that Bloomberg is simply using the dead and wounded as “political pawns.”

Bloomberg’s comments also reveal his complete lack of comprehension about police officers and the profession of policing.

Bloomberg could begin any sentence thusly, and be completely correct.

“I don’t understand why police officers...”

Yes, Mr. Mayor, you most certainly don’t.

Here’s to the Warriors. Here’s to American LEOs.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.