By Mike Baird
Corpus Christi Caller-Times
TAFT, Texas — For about 20 minutes early Saturday, 11 officers from five agencies were shot at when a Taft apartment resident went on a shooting spree, targeting police with a shotgun.
No one was hurt, and authorities shot back three times, when the bird spray came close to hitting police, Taft Police Chief John Landreth said. “Everyone was able to keep their wits about them and not open fire blindly into that apartment because we didn’t know who was in there, even though they were getting shot at from every direction. That’s great restraint,” Landreth said. “How none of our guys got hurt ... it’s just amazing. Sometimes we get lucky.”
Taft police were called to the complex at Rincon Road and FM 621 about 2:30 a.m. for shots fired, Landreth said.
When the first officer got out of his cruiser, a 12-gauge shotgun was being fired from the window of a twobedroom apartment in a quadplex.
The officer began rousting other residents from harm’s way.
Within minutes, police from Gregory, Sinton, the San Patricio Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety were swarming the complex in what became a 20 minute standoff that ended with the 20-year-old man’s surrender, Landreth said.
Officers wedged behind a brick wall trying to contact the man, but he continued to shoot, the chief said. The man shot as many as 20 times, he said.
One officer shot three rounds into the apartment after getting a better angle in a nearby ditch, Landreth said. Then the man pulled his shotgun back and came outside holding the weapon. Eventually he followed police orders to drop the shotgun.
“We really don’t have a clue why, except we know he’s involved in a recent breakup, which could be the catalyst for it,” Landreth said. “And he’s not cooperating, so it’s going to be hard for us to find out why.”
Edgar Moran was in San Patricio County Jail on Saturday on suspicion of aggravated assault against a public servant, attempted capital murder of a peace officer, and deadly conduct with bail totaling $1.5 million, jail officials said.
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