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A police leadership pledge for 2024

This pledge encapsulates a commitment to proactive leadership in law enforcement, addressing crucial areas for departmental advancement

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By Police1 Staff

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In an era where the demands on law enforcement are constantly evolving, it becomes imperative for police leadership to not only respond to these changes but to anticipate and prepare for them.

The 2024 Police Leadership Pledge, inspired by Police1’s insightful “24 on 2024: A police leader playbook,” is a comprehensive promise to spearhead innovations in critical areas of policing by the end of 2024. This pledge encompasses a broad spectrum of initiatives, ranging from achieving or maintaining accreditation, understanding and preparing for AI-related threats, implementing Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management and enhancing counterterrorism measures.

We encourage you to download a copy of the following pledge by completing the “Access this Police1 resource box” on this page to keep on hand as a strategic road map for 2024. You can also download a copy of “24 on 2024: A police leader playbook” here.

To my community, my department and my officers,

As a dedicated leader in law enforcement, and based on the expert advice shared in Police1’s “24 on 2024: A police leader playbook,” I pledge to commit my efforts and resources to the following key areas by the end of 2024, ensuring our department responds effectively to the evolving demands of public safety and community well-being:

Achieve or maintain accreditation: I commit to regularly reviewing and aligning our practices with accreditation standards, implementing efficient management systems in operations and training. I will utilize expert guidance and tools to stay current with regulations and ensure our department meets the highest standards.

Understand and prepare for AI-related threats: I pledge to educate our officers on the transformative power of AI and the associated risks, equipping the department to counter AI-augmented threats like cyberattacks, frauds and disinformation, and fostering a culture of continuous learning about emerging technologies.

Implement Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM): I will develop a BTAM program focusing on prevention and intervention, integrating law enforcement with behavioral health professionals and community partners, and utilizing federal funding sources for community-based threat management programs.

Enhance counterterrorism measures: I commit to adopting a “flat and fast” communication approach for efficient information exchange, collaborating closely with federal partners, and utilizing technologies like ALPR networks. I will engage in programs like the Joint Counterterrorism Team (JCAT) fellowship to strengthen our counterterrorism capabilities.

Improve crisis response: I will build strong relationships with mental health agencies and community advocates, innovate and adapt tactics based on community needs, and educate the community about law enforcement’s role in crisis response.

Strengthen cybersecurity: I pledge to harden targets against cyber threats, implement multi-factor authentication, promote continuous awareness and training against cyber attacks, and push for the modernization of software and hardware to maintain security.

Advance de-escalation training: I commit to embedding the values of respecting life into training modules, focusing on mindset, knowledge and skill in de-escalation training, and using research to inform and update de-escalation tactics and strategies.

Support law enforcement families: I will provide comprehensive mental health resources for families, host family events to build community and resilience and improve communication with families regarding resources and stress management.

Transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs): I plan to implement strategies for incorporating EVs into our fleet, considering infrastructure needs for EV charging systems, and starting pilot programs to evaluate EV performance in police duties.

Address hate crimes effectively: I am dedicated to updating training and operations to respond adequately to hate crimes, engaging community groups for diverse input on policies, and developing public awareness initiatives about hate crimes.

Enhance human trafficking investigations: I will incorporate sophisticated intelligence and survivor experiences in investigations, strengthen victim advocacy within investigative processes, and build teams combining traditional and specialized skills for effective responses.

Implement innovative narcotics intervention strategies: I commit to balancing enforcement with outreach programs, collaborating with local agencies for coordinated drug/outreach events, and focusing on deflection of substance users into treatment.

Cultivate a healthy police culture: Learning from the tenets of the One-By-One Policing philosophy, I will create environments that support individual growth and team collaboration, and ensure that all team members are valued and their contributions recognized.

Adopt a stratified policing model: I pledge to integrate evidence-based prevention strategies into daily operations, focus on problem-solving policing to address long-standing issues, and establish transparent internal accountability structures.

Develop robust peer support programs: I commit to implementing comprehensive policies and procedures for peer support, providing training and certification for peer supporters, and ensuring ongoing support and feedback mechanisms for program effectiveness.

Revolutionize police recruitment and retention: I will adapt recruitment to reflect societal and generational changes, implement strategies for strong hiring, retention and professional development, and leverage our current workforce to showcase opportunities in policing.

Prioritize retention to preserve institutional knowledge: I am dedicated to addressing issues like organizational justice and leadership development, spearheading the implementation of actionable retention strategies, and shifting the culture toward tangible organizational change.

Focus on communication and de-escalation in training: I am committed to continuously updating training to enhance communication skills, aiming for zero fatal scenes involving community and police interactions, and employing research to inform training methodologies.

Conduct pre-academy training for recruits: I plan to invest in recruits with in-house preparatory programs, focusing on academy protocols and practical application, and monitoring and adapting the program based on feedback and outcomes.

Leverage real time crime center technologies: I will develop and customize Real-Time Crime Centers (RTCC) based on agency needs, foster development, innovation, collaboration and education in RTCC use, and utilize RTCCs for efficient coverage and information sharing.

Promote research-driven policing practices: I commit to collaborating with social scientists and community members, infusing research into technical assistance and training, and translating research findings into practical, usable approaches for policing.

Enhance school resource officers’ training and transparency: I will train SROs and school administrators together, maintain transparency with school discipline data, and develop collaborative solutions for school-related issues.

Implement data-driven strategies for violent crime reduction: I pledge to leverage data to identify and address drivers of violent crime, adopt problem-solving models and evidence-based practices, and scale up successful programs for community-wide implementation.

Support the advancement of women in policing: I am committed to fostering an inclusive environment, providing mentorship programs, addressing barriers to the advancement of women in law enforcement, and promoting women’s success in policing to attract more female officers.

As a police leader, I pledge to diligently pursue these objectives, recognizing that the safety and well-being of our community and officers depend on our commitment to progress, innovation and empathy.

By the end of 2024, I commit to making tangible progress in these key areas, continuously seeking to elevate our department’s effectiveness, responsiveness, and integrity in service to our community.



[Police Leader’s Name]



NEXT: 24 questions to ask after reading ‘24 on 2024: A police leadership playbook’

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