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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Find COVID-19 breaking news, what first responders need to know about the novel coronavirus, and tips for public safety leaders in how to prepare for and educate the public on the coronavirus here on Police1.

Despite fewer cars on the road due to COVID-related shutdowns, the national trend has been higher incidents of speeding and fatalities
What law enforcement needs to know about the likelihood of side effects from the vaccine vs. the virus, plus new infection rates
COVID-19 infections all but doubled the losses, while “struck by” fatalities are up 138% over similar deaths in 2020
One officer has been recovering in a hospital since late last year, Chief Michel Moore said
A local police union had decried the mandate, citing “an already critical shortage of state troopers”
The lawsuit alleges discrimination, including a policy that limits promotions to only vaccinated workers
Sheriff Alex Villanueva has refused to fire noncompliant deputies, calling mandates an “imminent threat” to staffing
Officer Lisa Sidenstick, who was in a medically induced coma for weeks, had to relearn everything from brushing her teeth to walking
In her ruling, Judge Christine Roach cited “an apparently free choice with no real alternative”
Union leaders condemned the decision as selective enforcement and a “double standard”
Under current state law, line-of-duty death benefits do not include COVID-19
“We’re not doing mass firings today,” said Mayor Lori Lightfoot after declaring Sunday the last day to comply with the mandate
The announcement comes after the city won another round in court in its legal battle with the Chicago FOP
Thousands of LAPD employees are still waiting for exemption reviews
Gov. Kate Brown will rescind an order that has required nearly 40,000 state employees to be vaccinated
A new bill aims to make it easier for families of loved ones to access line-of-duty benefits
The vaccine rule led the city and the Fraternal Order of Police to sue each other
“We are in this until it is over,” said interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell
Nearly all the fired employees had been on unpaid leave for over three months
Unvaccinated members will have to be tested regularly while the legal challenge continues
Most were charged with criminal mischief related to a week-long demonstration that blocked one of the busiest U.S.-Canada crossings
A coalition of unions sued to block the mass firings, but a judge ruled in favor of the city Thursday
County officials voted to give someone else the authority to fire unvaccinated deputies after Sheriff Alex Villanueva refused to do so
Chief Davids Nisleit said that most of the trends he follows don’t look promising
Unvaccinated cops currently on unpaid leave have until Feb. 11 to comply, according to a memo
Trooper Robert LaMay’s took early retirement in October 2021 rather than get vaccinated
The proposal would offer mental wellness days and other incentives for vaccinated officers
“It is demoralizing to police,” said Jane Dueker of the St. Louis Police Officers Association
Respondents listed staffing issues, public perception and COVID-19 as the biggest challenges
On average, an LAPD officer sidelined with a COVID case is missing 20 days of work, officials said
A city police union is still in arbitration, which could push the deadline back even further for officers
Only 18 states and Washington, D.C. had zero line-of-duty COVID deaths
Limited response capabilities and long shifts are taking a toll on officers, officials say