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Police save lives in Va. town with naloxone grant

Training was also included to teach how to administer the drug, how to store it, protection from civil liability

By Amber Galaviz
Daily Progress

ORANGE, Va. — The Town of Orange Police Department recently was the recipient of two grants that will help the department both serve and protect.The department will receive a 30-unit donation of EVZIO Auto-Injectors, an FDA-approved naloxone product used to help save lives during an opioid overdose.

The donation was made by kaléo, a pharmaceutical company based out of Richmond that is “dedicated to building innovative solutions for serious and life-threatening medical conditions.” Through its grants program, the company provides the EVZIO (naloxone HCl injection) Auto-injector, at no cost to certain qualifying non-profit organizations and other groups demonstrating need.Town of Orange Police Chief Jim Fenwick said the department was fortunate to receive 30 units of the product.

The training also included instructions on what circumstances to administer the drug, how to store it, protection from civil liability, how naloxone works and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of naloxone. Fenwick also noted EVZIO as an easy-to-use, hand-held, single-use auto-injector for immediate administration as emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose, keeping the patient breathing until emergency personnel is on scene.

Full Story: Grants help Orange police save lives