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Police Union

If leaders and elected officials in your area aren’t already discussing furloughs, layoffs or hiring freezes, they are likely to begin those discussions soon
As labor unions brace for SCOTUS to rule in Janus v. AFSCME, here’s a reminder of the history, role and value of police unions
As part of its police union contract, CPD’s detective bureau altered detectives’ schedules in an effort to boost clearance rates by giving investigators more ownership of cases
“We’re extremely disappointed that after almost five years, these officers are finding themselves indicted for something they had seconds to decide...” the South Florida PBA stated
“Having no consequences for bad behavior has proved itself again to be a failed criminal justice policy,” the N.J. State Policemens’ Benevolent Association president said
The measure would have asked voters to “increase and maintain” the number of patrol officers using marijuana tax revenue and cash from the city’s general fund
Until the law goes into effect in January, workers’ compensation claims must be tied to a physical injury on duty
The Police Benevolent Association alleged the policy goes against previous legal agreements allowing officers to take prescribed steroids without consulting a district surgeon
“Bavaria’s police are ‘stripping bare’ and could literally be left standing without trousers,” the union’s chairman stated
The decision is the latest step in a legal battle between the city and the police union, which advocated for officers to have choice in how their cases should be decided
The policy will forbid officers from stopping drivers or pedestrians for nine traffic infractions under most circumstances, such as driving without functioning rear brake lights
“Well over 5,000 cops were attacked and injured last year – that’s not only a record, it’s a full-blown epidemic,” Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry stated
The agreement set up a four-tiered response plan, which specifies benchmarks that must be reached before certain policing actions can take place
The overhaul limited NYPD’s ability to use “kettling” tactics and implemented a four-tiered strategy dictating when officers can take enforcement during protests
“The revolving door in this case is an absolute travesty to our justice system,” PBA President Patrick Hendry said
One oversight board member fears that changing department structure may cause officers to “jump ship,” leaving the force with even fewer officers
“I think it shows people how desperate all these police departments are,” a police union leader said. “I’d like to see the city be a little bit more desperate, too”
The contract makes changes to paid detail, medical leave and officer discipline policies
Union leaders expressed gratitude for city leadership’s “strategic investment” in rebuilding the LAPD with benefits in its new contract
Police and city leaders are working to outsource “minor” calls to free up officers’ schedules, as well as creating new wellness programs for them
The contract calls for sergeants, lieutenants and captains to receive 3% raises annually retroactive for the years they went without a contract
The union claims the city had “ample time” to pay up; the union said they are calculating individual back pay for each of the 8,800 sworn officers
The manager allegedly told the officer that uniformed law enforcement had to be invited into the candy store, according to the FOP
An 11-page letter from FOP members detail the alleged lack of support, officers and equipment hindering the department from properly responding to incidents
The proposal would have raised officer wages by 5.2% and added other financial incentives for hiring and retention
High crime and low staffing drove the city to accept 12-hour shifts when they had previously rejected them over safety concerns
The suspect’s “actions continue to pose a significant threat to law enforcement officers and the public,” wrote Robert Gaddy, president of the Durham Fraternal Order