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2 headed to prison for Ferguson-related bomb plot against LEOs

The bomb attack was to target the police chief and other officials

By Jim Suhr
Associated Press

ST. LOUIS — Two St. Louis men are headed to federal prison for seven years each for planning a bomb attack targeting the Ferguson police chief and other officials after an officer killed Michael Brown there last year.

Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Orlando Baldwin pleaded guilty in June to felony counts of conspiring to use explosives and making false written statements while buying firearms. They were sentenced Thursday in St. Louis.

Their arrests during a sting investigation last November came days before St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch announced a grand jury wouldn’t indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in the August 2014 death of 18-year-old Brown.

Davis and Baldwin admitted scheming to obtain explosives to use against McCulloch, then-Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and other officers.

No potential target was injured.

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