By Police1 Staff
PRICE HILL, Ohio — Officers shot an army robbery suspect Monday after he pointed a realistic-looking BB gun at them, WLWT reported.
The suspect, 45-year-old Robert Tenbrink, had entered a couple retailers and attempted to steal money, Cincinnati Police Chief Eliot Issac told Police responded to calls from employees when they found Tenbrink. He attempted to rob a Walgreens before going across the street to Deals.
Tenbrink had a tracheotomy and could not respond to officers. Video from the dash camera showed him raise his arms and face away from the two officers.
The officer repeatedly commanded Tenbrink to stop reaching for his pockets.Tenbrink then reached for the BB gun and turned it on officers before they shot him. Officers thought the firearm was real until after the shooting. The gun was later identified as a Daisy BB pistol.
“If you point a gun at a cop, we’re going to shoot,” Mayor John Cranley said to the news site.
The officers were identified as Andrea Harmon and Kevin Manz. They were placed on administrative leave.