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Video: Dash cam contradicts misconduct claim by NAACP, pastor

Department has responded to claims of an officer’s misconduct during a traffic stop by releasing dash cam video of the incident

By Police1 Staff

SALISBURY, N.C. — A North Carolina police department has responded to claims of an officer’s misconduct during a traffic stop by releasing dash cam video that directly contradicts the negative version of events.

WBTV reports Reverend Bill Godair and a local chapter of the NAACP held a press conference last week claiming that officers at the Salisbury Police Department were mistreating civilians.

Godair used his own experience as an example, saying, “My wife was in my vehicle when this incident occurred and was scared by his [the officer’s] actions. We honestly thought that I would be arrested.”

The incident in question was a 2013 traffic stop for speeding.

Godair claimed he was driving to the hospital to visit a member of his church, and that the officer was aggressive in questioning him during the stop.

Further expanding on his thoughts, Godair said during the conference, “I refuse to sit back and not do anything, not say anything until Ferguson, Missouri becomes a reality here in Salisbury.”

Dash cam video released this week tells a different story. Godair was stopped for going 58 mph in a 45 zone, according to the report. Godair can be heard telling the officer he is on his way to the cleaners – not a hospital.

Godair then throws a toothpick out the window in front of the officer. When he is questioned about it, he tells the cop he “didn’t want to talk to you [the officer] with a toothpick in my mouth.”

He can also be heard saying “I’m guilty, honestly.”

The officer then writes his citation and sends him on his way.

Police Chief Rory Collins said he saw “no evidence of misconduct” in a review of the video, WSCO-TV reported.

The head of the NAACP chapter has called for Chief Collins to step down or face protests over the excessive force claims.

Godair says multiple families in his church have experienced mistreatment, but he did not elaborate further, WBTV reported.