By Police1 Staff
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — Surveillance video has been released in a violent struggle between a suspect and an officer that resulted in the cop temporarily losing consciousness.
NBC Miami reports the incident began after the officer witnessed 37-year-old Livingston Manners run a stop sign June 27.
After pulling into a gas station, Manners immediately exited his car as the officer approached.
The officer attempted to place Manners into handcuffs after he disobeyed commands to stay in his vehicle. He became combative, and the struggle ensued.
Manners punched the officer multiple times before he was able to get on top of him. Manners then locked his legs around the officer and strangled him until he “momentarily lost consciousness,” according to the report.
Manners continued to fight even as backup arrived and a TASER was deployed twice before officers arrested him.
Manners was charged with attempted murder, resisting an officer with violence, resisting an officer without violence, public order crimes, and running a stop sign.
The officer suffered scratches, abrasions, and problems related to oxygen-loss, according to the report.