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Gun policy in America: Where do you stand?

Police1 has launched a comprehensive survey of American law enforcement officers’ opinions on the topics gripping the nation’s attention

It’s been the big talking point across the country for weeks — and now we want your opinion on gun policy in America.

In the aftermath of the Newtown elementary school massacre in December, the topic of gun policy has risen to the top of the political agenda.

It seems that just about everyone in the United States has sounded off on the Second Amendment, gun control, and violence in the United States today.

But where do you — the men and women who are charged with enforcing the law in this country — stand in the debate?

We’ve put together an in-depth survey for law enforcement officers to add your voice to the debate. With the information gathered, we’ll look to present your perspectives and use the findings as fodder for further discussion of the issues.

You can take the survey here. You will discover questions like:

What effect do you think the passage of the White House’s currently proposed legislation would have in improving police officer safety?

Should citizens be required to complete a safety training class before being allowed to buy a gun?

How would you respond to more restrictive gun laws?

We’re conducting this comprehensive survey principally because just about everyone has sounded off on the Second Amendment, gun control, and violence in the United States... but the voice of the police officer has been glaringly absent.

We have, here in the Police1 ranks, cops who work in departments with fewer than 10 sworn, as well as those whose departments have tens of thousands sworn. We have state, local, federal, and tribal cops. We have every rank in proportionally-representative numbers of police departments nationwide.

We want to hear from all of you.

So I’d like to humbly ask your help. Please take a few moments to take the survey. We’ll compile the results and share with you what we learn in the coming weeks through a series of ‘infographics’ and expert analysis.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.