I was talking recently with someone who has more than a little experience in law enforcement, and we got to the subject of questioning people at traffic stops. As we’d discussed previously, major busts can come from even the lowest-level traffic violation stops if — repeat, if — the officer making the stop is motivated, creative, and laser-focused on spotting key indicators that could flag a much bigger crime than speeding.
There are countless examples, of this. In fact, I would be particularly interested in your own story about making a big bust stemming initially from a “minor” traffic violation. It might make for a great column topic sometime down the line, so add a comment below or send me an email with a quick summary of the arrest.
Anyway, here are a couple of quick things to keep in mind during your next conversation with a stopped driver or their passengers.
1.) The Information Dump
This is where you ask a short, simple question that should yield a short, simple answer but instead you get flooded with information. It could go something like this:
You: Where are you headed this evening?
Driver: I’m going to visit my aunt. She lives about 200 miles from here. She’s really, really sick. I was falling behind and decided to pick up the speed because she might not have very long. I can do that in this car. It’s not mine. It’s my friend’s. He lives in my hometown. His name is Jim. His car is faster than mine. Mine broke down, otherwise I’d be driving that one. The guy in the car with me is Dave. He’s a friend of mine. He lives about 20 minutes from me. He knows my aunt. That’s why he’s with me. I like hanging out with him. He keeps me out of trouble, ha, ha. I got pulled over once before and swore I would slow down from then on. Dave doesn’t even have a speeding ticket on his record. Good guy. Kind of quiet. So, what’s it like to be a cop? I really feel for you guys. Odd hours, dangerous people...
...and on and on and on.
You asked him a simple question. He replied with a load of information you hadn’t even asked about... yet! Is his streetwise enough to know the kinds of questions officers are going to ask if they’re trolling for more information and, in his nervousness, he decides to blast forward and give you more than you asked for just to get the conversation over with?
Maybe. Maybe not.
2.) The Speed Answerer
This is where you ask a question and your subject immediately fires curt, rapid-response answers in your direction. It could go something like this:
You: Where are you...
Driver: To visit my sick aunt.
You: Whose car is...
Driver: ...my friend’s.
You: What’s his...
Driver: ...Jim.
You: Where does he...
Driver: ...my hometown.
You: Who’s that in the...
Driver: Dave. My friend. Knows my aunt.
He’s answering questions faster than you can even get them out of your mouth. Does he view this conversation as a test he needs to pass and the sooner he can get you an answer, the better the odds he’ll get it “right”? Is he trying to get through the conversation as fast as he can so he get the heck out of there?
One thing’s for sure: You should take note of the timing of a subject’s answers and figure out whether he’s just a fast talker or is there a deceptive strategy in play.