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Vegas police no longer responding to fender benders

On March 3, police will leave it up to drivers in minor accidents to do the right thing

By Emma Lacey-Bordeaux

LAS VEGAS If you get into a fender bender in Las Vegas, don’t bother calling 911. A car dings yours in traffic, same deal. In fact, unless the car crash resulted in an injury don’t expect police to show up.

That’s because Las Vegas Police just don’t have the time anymore. Every week police in Sin City estimate they spend 250 hours on this kind of work. Time they’d rather spend it tackling bigger cases.

So come March 3, police will leave it up to drivers in these minor accidents to do the right thing. That means exchanging insurance data and filing a report themselves.

Full Story: Fender bender in Las Vegas? Forget calling the police. They’re not coming.