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NM man blames robbery on stomach scratch

Man says he merely scratched his stomach and didn’t pull a gun when a grocery store clerk handed him cash

Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An Albuquerque man facing robbery and larceny charges says he merely scratched his stomach and didn’t pull a gun when a grocery store clerk handed him cash.

KRQE-TV reports that Patrick Silva told police he only asked for change Sunday when a grocery store clerk thought he was robbing her and handed him more than $1,600.

Silva told police anyone handed lots of cash would take it and run, so that’s what he did.

But the cashier told authorities Silva threatened to shoot her if she didn’t turn over the money during a robbery.

Police found Silva at a nearby gas station lying in the bed of a pickup.

Silva is being held on $10,000 cash or surety bond.

It was not known if he had an attorney.

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