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Video: Man says he’s cursed during traffic stop, threatens to skin deputy alive

The man blamed his woes on “paranormal activity” and attempted to grab an officer’s TASER unsuccessfully


Photo/YouTube via Law and Crime

By Ashley Silver

MARION COUNTY, Fla. — A Florida man seemingly under the influence of a substance told officers he was being cursed and threatened to skin a deputy alive during a recent traffic stop.

According to CBS 12, deputies stopped a vehicle that was driving on two deflated tires, wobbling as it drove only on rims, when they noticed the driver seemed impaired. After inquiring about the state of the car, the man explained he had hit a curb after someone placed a curse on him.

The man went on to blame the damage to the vehicle on “paranormal activity” after refusing a sobriety test and stumbling out of the car at the officer’s request. As the officers attempted to complete the test, CBS 12 reported the man hurled expletives and insults while stating he was going to “break [the deputy’s] head with a baseball bat” and “skin [the deputy] alive.”

The man also spat in the deputy’s face while he was trying to search him and attempted to grab the officer’s TASER unsuccessfully. The suspect was so irate that the deputies had to lift him up and place him in the patrol car to be arrested. He kicked the deputies in the process and continued to spit in the backseat as he was taken to jail.

The man was charged with two counts of battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer with violence, attempt to deprive an officer of means of protection or communication, corrupt by threat against public servant and driving under the influence. If found guilty, he could receive up to 25.5 years in prison.