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First Amendment

Download this Lexipol explainer, “Officer Free Speech: What agencies can and can’t do to restrict free speech,” today to learn key guidelines about officer free speech and First Amendment protection.

Experts review common issues that can cause problems not only for a patrol officer but all the way up the chain of command in an agency
Former DEA agent and trainer Dan Mehdi discusses the parallels between training for the military, DEA and police agencies to develop leadership and moral courage
Are we all on the same page?
Listen to Gordon Graham’s opinion on this topic
When does a public employee’s First Amendment rights give way to an employer’s right to suspend or terminate the employee?
The officer’s union representatives defended him, saying the officer was simply expressing his First Amendment right
Understanding the legal precedent behind free speech rights and how they apply on and off duty
You are never off duty as a police officer when it comes to how you represent yourself, your agency and your responsibilities
A video of a cop criticizing COVID-19 decrees has amassed nearly 1 million views and reignited the discussion about what officers should and should not say in uniform
Can a uniformed officer remain silent and go about a duty that is repugnant to the Constitution?
Being told to f-off or anything similar may be evidence of poor breeding, but is also the burden of today’s public servants
Association with an extremist group or comments that could be interpreted as bigoted could be used to show bias in a case that involves people of the targeted group
Not understanding the legal arena for speech and how it’s been changed by the internet is resulting in career fatalities and making police work more dangerous
Individuals are filming police buildings and officers as part of a “First Amendment audit"; here’s how cops should respond
Fane Lozman contends he was wrongly prevented from speaking at a city council meeting through an arrest on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest
When cops are unsure about the protection of speech, existing case law should be examined
Here’s what you need to know about the First Amendment, employer retaliation for speech, and double standards