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Patrol Issues

The Patrol Issues topic page offers news, commentary, analysis, and tactical tips that will help prepare police officers for life on the thin blue line.

Weightlifting belts that are properly fitted to the lifter can add extra support for the lower back and improve lifting performance
According to the “What Cops Want in 2024" survey, officers are experiencing unprecedented levels of fatigue and burnout
Repetition and realistic scenarios in training are crucial for developing quick and effective responses
Gracie, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, discusses a new method of lateral restraint he developed where two subjects can control one person using a novel set of grips
As drug crime and overdose deaths rise, Mike Sena, Director of the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, shares insights into the battle against drug trafficking and evolving drug enforcement
Treating our ‘customers’ with dignity and respect is a laudable, achievable goal — but the traditional concepts of customer service just don’t apply to cops
Use these tips if you suspect a semi-tractor and trailer is being used to move drugs and other contraband
Explore the top tactical pants designed to provide the flexibility, comfort and durability needed for every scenario
An analysis of PERF’s 10-year look-back report on the phenomenon of body-worn cameras in American policing
Explore the significant distortions caused by fisheye lenses in body-worn cameras and understand the implications for accurate scene documentation and critical incident analysis
Lt. Julia Clasby shares her experiences as a female officer and mother, offering insight and advice to help women in law enforcement navigate their path into leadership roles
If you carry your backup tactical knife here, you can get to it with either hand
This segment highlights essential principles and practical steps to ensure successful tourniquet application in the field
Struggling with the chaos of law enforcement life? Terror management theory has implications for how to thrive instead of just survive
Researchers found that peer officer gunfire significantly and substantially influenced participant shooting behaviors — participants were over 11 times more likely to fire their weapons and discharged approximately 72% more rounds in the presence of gunfire
Explore our top picks designed to provide the support and reliability you require in the field
There is nothing more effective for building trust than personal, positive contacts between the police and those they protect and serve
Mislabeling people in police reports is a problem. Follow these steps to prevent errors
A step-by-step guide to configuring Microsoft’s spelling and grammar checker
There are two things to pay attention to while using any grammar and spell checker: security and retrievability
Discover insights from a comprehensive study on proactive community interactions and practical strategies for building trust between law enforcement and communities
Organized retail theft has risen sharply in recent years, and federal and state grant initiatives can be crucial in combating this threat
A robust agency wellness program is crucial for public safety personnel, offering support for mental, physical and financial health
Since the average officer’s budget often comes down to pennies, what expenditures of our personal funds are truly worth the investment?
Redundant question and answer phrases can cause confusion and make your reader (usually the charging attorney) lose interest in your case
The last thing a reader wants in a police report is a surprise
If your passive voice sentence does not fall into any of these eight tactics, change your sentence to active
One tip to improve your report writing that will help reduce case turndowns and liability
Artificial intelligence is changing the way police write reports