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The thwarting of inmate plans for escape, drug trafficking, gang activity or assaults does not occur by chance
Move was also made to encourage better inmate behavior
The deputy said he wanted to reward the inmates for helping clean the housing pod
Sheriff Rick Singleton said he is exploring the possibility of a romantic relationship between the inmate-officer pair that went missing last week
“Nobody saw this coming,” Sheriff Rick Singleton said at a Monday morning press conference
Each playing card features information about the case and a tip line phone number
“I hate to see the work of good cops undermined by the poor leadership of the sheriff,” said San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo
When analyzed in abstract terms, the intelligence process sounds vague, complicated and difficult to execute. This need not be the case
Five key factors make up the mission of security threat group intelligence gathering operations in a correctional setting
The two convicted felons went missing last week from a medium-security prison
Portland Police believe a cleaning crew accidentally opened the holding cell
Samuel Little had 60 confirmed victims and confessed to dozens more
“These are not just low-level disputes,” Police Chief Moore said. “They are amplifying quickly into multiple shootings, multiple victims”
Officers arrested Robert Brown and Christopher Osteen more than two days after they escaped from Northwest Correctional Complex
A county jail inmate is still on the run after deputies say he “meticulously” dismantled his jail cell window
The grant will allow training, timely screening for mental illness and substance abuse, evidence-based treatment and case management
The man is ineligible for the death penalty because he is intellectually disabled, an appeals court ruled
Cpl. Bryant Searcy was brutally attacked by a 28-year-old inmate; he leaves behind his wife and daughter
This is the second time in about a month that Gwinnett County inmates helped a deputy with a medical emergency
“These inmates had no obligation whatsoever to render aid to a bleeding, vulnerable deputy, but they didn’t hesitate,” the sheriff’s office said
The two good Samaritans stopped an inmate who attacked the LEO while being transported to a hospital
Moments after Thomas Lee Williams was released from prison, police say he attacked a woman in the parking lot, took her car and fled with her 1-year-old grandson
“With no stab marks or bullet wounds, many of these deaths were not classified as homicides but attributed to drug overdoses, accidents, or natural causes,” the FBI said
In the letter, the inmates convey their sadness at the loss of Officer Antwan Toney, who was killed Oct. 20 while responding to a call about a suspicious vehicle
Bulger was found unresponsive Tuesday morning at the U.S. penitentiary in West Virginia where he’d just been transferred
Sheriff’s officials said the inmate slipped out of his handcuffs, shattered the passenger-side window and climbed atop the patrol car
Police said the injured officer is alive and alert and received treatment
Officials say Christopher Wayne Kilpatrick might be driving a maroon van taken from a local home
David Sweat, who was shot and wounded during his June 28 capture, was taken early Sunday from Albany Medical Center to the infirmary at the Five Points Correctional Facility
David Sweat told police that he masterminded the June 6 escape
Troopers with guns drawn searched a cabin in Malone and other officers carrying rifles manned checkpoints and examined cars