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Police Leader

FirstNet’s selection of AT&T to build out the telecom spectrum is the biggest news thus far in this long-running saga
When practiced correctly, officers raised in an environment where leadership is a core principle can be counted on to make sound, prudent and defensible decisions
One of the main goals of drunk driving enforcement is to raise the perception among drinking drivers that they will be stopped and investigated for drunk driving
Self-development is a continuous process and you have to be on the edge or outside of your comfort zone in order to grow
We at Police1 have gathered our resources and set about a comprehensive examination of the health of our industry, focusing on agencies, individuals, and private sector police enterprises
We must keep educating the public about what happens in a rapidly unfolding, high-stress, potentially life-threatening deadly force encounter, as well as whatever legal proceedings follow such an event
The courts have held that off-duty conduct will not be protected if the agency can prove a nexus between the offending conduct and the officer’s employment
When you’re applying for the position of police chief, an honest assessment of the job environment is essential, as well as a willingness to walk away if it’s not the right situation for you
Ferguson taught us that in this era of instant information, we need to quickly use the tools that are available to us to educate and inform those we serve
The healing so essential in cities all across the country will come about only through transparency, communication, and embracing the benefits of diversity
There are those among us who have admitted to themselves that they can’t have a drink – it is our responsibility to help them, not make it harder for them
Building bridges — or rebuilding them — isn’t likely to happen if we wait for our citizenry to start the process, so we need to create a safe place for a conversation, and do that with skill and salesmanship
Chief Steven Casstevens of the Buffalo Grove (Ill.) Police Department urged police leaders to interact with line officers to inform them of potentially adverse pending legislation, and ask them how the proposal would affect their ability to do their job
Crowd control
Too often in the post-Ferguson era we’ve seen public protests turned into violent clashes with burned buildings and injured persons on both sides of the fray
How police leaders can locate and establish relationships with the “hidden” population in a small town
Cooperation, collaboration, and honest communication between police and the community can prove fruitful in enhancing police/community relations and reducing officer-involved shootings
Many departments are migrating from a policy-driven organization to a values-based agency in which behaviors and actions are expected to comply with the organization’s mission and values
As our nation struggles with the current uneasy state of police-community relations, police officers — and police leaders — who can instill community trust through their personal integrity are valuable assets
Data collected and distributed by SST/ShotSpotter suggests that the July 4th holiday weekend is the busiest time of the year for dangerous celebratory gunfire in the United States
Check out these resources and talk about this topic with your colleagues and command staff
What started as a narrow concept of a warrior mindset during deadly confrontations has expanded and mutated into a prevailing culture – is it time for a change?
Everyone in law enforcement loves driving in a super clean vehicle, so I set up a Deputy of the Month program where winners get their assigned take-home squad detailed
If we as a society expect our officers to make split-second, life-and-death decisions, then we must not handcuff them by fear of indictment, litigation, or career-ending reputation assassination
Amid demonstrations, riots, and presidential action, police leaders must address citizens’ assertion of police wrongdoing — one way of doing that is emphasizing strong supervision strategies
As with any official document that represents the department, thoroughly review every aspect of the P&P manual at your new agency, and ensure it is updated and tailored to your department
Study of J. Edgar Hoover’s life reveals that he was one of the most successful leaders in law enforcement history, regularly demonstrated the following traits of great leadership
Just as we expect our best leaders to be highly competent, credible, and genuine, we also expect those traits from the best followers
Here are four keys to making accountability and responsibility touchstones of your leadership, and of your agency as a whole
In order to stay connected to the people that you lead and motivate, you need to interact with them on their terms and in their workplace – not yours
Here are two things you can do to prepare yourself to be a more knowledgeable — and therefore more attractive — candidate for the position
Are these qualities you already possess — thus making you an innovative investigator — or are they qualities you might add to your set of skills to improve your ability to lead your investigations?
The facts leading to the conclusion that there is a pattern of citizen mistreatment — quite deliberately encouraged by Ferguson’s city governance — are sound