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COVID-19 law enforcement situational awareness dashboard launches

The tool provides real-time critical insights to assess and monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our nation’s first responders


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on law enforcement and other first responders, the National Police Foundation (NPF), in collaboration with the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation and Esri, has developed a real-time COVID-19 situational awareness tool for law enforcement agencies.

The tool, featuring a real-time dashboard, provides critical insights for executives, commanders, administrators and other decision-makers to better assess and monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our nation’s first responders, including officer exposures, diagnoses, workforce impacts, and PPE needs and projections.

The interactive tool allows agencies to provide confidential, real-time updates that are instantly incorporated into the national dashboard and map.

The dashboard identifies:

  • The number of officers exposed
  • Number of officers officially tested with a positive diagnosis
  • Number of officers placed in off-duty status due to exposure
  • Number of officers that are self-isolating due to symptoms or off-duty exposure.

Law enforcement executives are encouraged to participate by submitting data via an online questionnaire.

Photo/National Police Foundation

The dashboard also estimates the availability of necessary PPE, the most critical PPE that agencies are lacking, and current and projected shortages of PPE. The data is then aggregated and mapped at the state-level in order to show impacts across the country. Individual agencies will not be identified. Law enforcement agencies can then compare impacts in their state with those of other states.

Law enforcement executives and their incident command teams (or those responsible for overseeing the COVID-19 response within their agencies) are encouraged to participate by submitting data via an online questionnaire. Click here.

It takes approximately 5 minutes to provide the update. An ORI9 identifier is required for each submission along with other validation features. The NPF is asking respondents to provide updates at least weekly, on the same day and time each week (as possible), in order to track progress throughout the event and impacts on law enforcement over time.

To view the COVID-19 national law enforcement situational awareness dashboard, click here.

For additional resources and information for first responders regarding COVID-19, visit

Established in 1970, the National Policing Institute, formerly the National Police Foundation, is an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit research organization, sometimes referred to as a think-tank, focused on pursuing excellence in policing through science and innovation. Our research and applied use of research guide us as we engage directly with policing organizations and communities to provide technical assistance, training, and research and development services to enhance safety, trust, and legitimacy. To view our work, visit us at