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Crime Labs

Chemical identification devices from Smiths Detection come with access to ReachBackID, a hotline to scientists for help to analyze and interpret data collected in the field
Moving from a patchwork of databases to an integrated LIM system has made tracking and reporting fast and easy for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Technology provides cops with real-time analysis to inform crime reduction strategies specific to their communities
The grant will assist law enforcement in identifying, arresting, and prosecuting violent crimes and prolific property crimes
Funds spread over 45 communities for law enforcement toxicology crime labs, and education and enforcement programs
Although less staff can be present inside the facility, officials say analysts are completing more case than they did this time last year
A $1.5 million approval is pending for the city of Birmingham to have a Real Time Crime Center
The new system and partnership with the University of Nebraska Medical Center will allow for faster crime test results
These devices dramatically cut drug testing costs
The resulting images and information are uploaded to a database which connects national law-enforcement agencies