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Insights on the North American public sector’s cryptocurrency outlook
Financial Planning
The best way to break the cycle is to resist spending beyond your means
From the tantalizing to the practical, these must-listens have something for everyone
Learn how to enhance personal and family safety and fend off cyber and physical threats
“I lose thousands every year,” said Gary Monto, who served as a cop for 22 years
Being familiar with agency policy regarding off-duty work is the first step cops must take
Police Superintendent Shaun Ferguson says he’ll require officers take 26 unpaid days off and cut pay for other employees by 10%
A seemingly random phone call from a 78-year-old North Carolina woman to a Massachusetts detective ended with $65,000 recovered
Minneapolis moved closer Tuesday to bringing in outside law enforcement to help tamp down on violence in the city, following an impassioned plea from the police chief
Chief Deputy Anthony Dwyer said they were already charging a handful of communities, leaving some to wonder why others didn’t have to pay
Local and state ballot measures passed largely in favor of shifting funds away from law enforcement and towards social services
This comes after Portland City Council approved rerouting $15 million from the police department four months earlier
Police Chief Andy Hall said his request for more money was largely based on raises officers are owed under their labor contract
The temporary furloughs for 4,700 city employees are part of a budget-cutting plan aimed at addressing coronavirus impact
The cameras would go to some officers who work administrative jobs but might have occasional field duties
The sheriff said all 800 deputies will be outfitted, citing a public desire for the cameras
The Harris County Constable’s Office set up a GoFundMe after the families’ stories went viral
Interim Police Chief Adrian Diaz said he’s moving cops out of specialty units and into patrol to cut back on overtime and improve 911 response times
The city was ordered to pay back pay and legal fees incurred by Lt. Kelly Chesler, who was at the center of a years-long saga involving allegations of falsified timesheets
The officers are alleged to have embezzled more than $200,000 by submitting false time sheets
The cost includes damage to garbage trucks, street lights and traffic signals
An 18-year-old reportedly received the bill after organizing a BLM rally in town
The 18-year-old says she received the letter from her town’s mayor several days after organizing the rally
A survey of more than 200 Illinois agencies found that the pandemic had impacted police training, officer safety and community outreach
Begin collecting data now to qualify for federal pass-through funding, community foundation and corporate foundation grants for COVID-19-related response
The cuts will reduce the number of officers to a level not seen for more than a decade
While these terms sound similar, the outcomes are very different – here’s what you need to know
Following a grant application submission, hold a formal debrief on the process to consider how your team can improve future efforts
If the intent is to diminish the capacity and presence of law enforcement, the result will be police responding to crime after it occurs rather than preventing crime
Pension funds will pay the benefits for any public employees who worked in the state at the local, county or state level and lost their lives to the pandemic
Improve the odds of retiring on your terms by taking advantage of other account and employment options
Lexipol Senior Grants Consultants Samantha Dorm and Jerry Brant answer questions about available funds for public safety agencies
Your first goal should be to become debt-free