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Airborne / Maritime

The Airborne / Maritime topic provides news articles, tips and expert advice for police officers who want to learn the best ways to work with police helicopters, airplanes and more in their city, state or region.

Truckee Police Department officers provide education, enforcement and community engagement while patrolling on their 21-foot police boat
A retired cop shows off his new ride
“If you don’t have a strong constitution, you will run into some things that will scare you. I’ve seen folks come flying up out of the water scared to death!”
A police marine unit escorts the USS St. Louis across Lake Erie
Intense bodycam video shows a patrol boat dodging kayakers and tubers as officers rush to help a young girl
Deputy David Bazylak was honored with a life-saving award
Officer Matthew Bodwell, an experienced mariner and an assistant harbormaster, was credited with saving five lives
Video shows deputies slinging a rope and life vests to the capsized vessel
Last week, a police union said the officers were not trained for water rescues and followed protocol by waiting for a boat
A local police union said the involved officers followed their training by going to get a boat
A Florida family jumped at the chance to help deputies make an arrest
The agency used to lease jet skis for its marine patrol unit, but now local marinas don’t have enough, said Sheriff Rick Behnke
The helicopter was landing nearby for a police department’s annual open house
Five deputies and one doctor were injured during a “hard landing” and “rollover,” police said
Five of the passengers on the Air Rescue 5 helicopter were deputies with the Sheriff’s Department
The free exhibit chronicles the history, evolution and heroes of law enforcement aviation
“Because it was dark, he had no horizon or accurate external reference,” said NTSB investigators
Two pilots discuss their role in the force’s recent crackdown on speeders
Huntington Beach says it won’t fly “out of an abundance of caution” until its other helicopters are fully inspected
Officer Nicholas Vella died and a second officer was injured in the crash-landing
Nicholas Vella, 44, died and his co-pilot was in critical condition
Police said the now-defunct program was a crime-solving tool, but critics condemned it as government overreach
Frantic bodycam video shows Officer John Rose helping three swimmers board his boat, one of whom sadly died
After the gunman shot the first officer, he tried unsuccessfully to drive out of the garage of the home where he later barricaded himself
It took a few tries, but Flipper lived to swim another day
“Harbor personnel were able to capture a quick video of some of New York City’s holiday tourists,” the department joked
A sheriff’s office dive team trains in the chilly lakes of Michigan
The hiker was hoisted into the air after injuring herself in the Adirondacks
Trooper James Monda’s funeral drew police from across the country, as well as Gov. Kathy Hochul
Trooper James Monda working a marine detail at the time, police said
The company’s UAS for Public Safety training program is the only accredited program outside of the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force, according to the release
A California Highway Patrol chopper waits to evacuate a patient after a head-on collision
Deputies found the 2-year-old boy in tall grass near a tree line about 400 yards from his home