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Off-duty cop reunites with mother-son duo he saved at Waukesha parade attack

“It took a lot of ache out of my heart,” said Officer Gary Wallace

officer wallace waukesha christmas parade

AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps, Franklin (Wis.) Police Department

By Suzie Ziegler

WAUKESHA, Wis. — Officer Gary Wallace was off duty and enjoying a Christmas parade with his daughter earlier this month when an SUV plowed through the crowd, killing six and injuring 62. The Franklin Police officer sprang into action. Now, Wallace has reunited with the victims he saved on that tragic day.

According to WTMJ, Wallace saw a woman lying on the ground in the arms of a young boy. She had been struck, although her son was untouched.

“I was walking when suddenly I felt the impact throw me in the air and then I fell to the ground and hit my head,” Marisol Lopez told WTMJ last week. “He’s a miracle, the car ran over [my son], and he wasn’t touched.”

Wallace helped Lopez and her son, Adair, into the back of a squad car on scene. She was then driven to the hospital by a sheriff, according to the report. At first, Wallace had no idea if they survived.

“I’m never gonna forget what I saw, but when I got the link to the article to the interview with Marisol, it took a lot of ache out of my heart, because I knew at least one person that I tried to help was gonna make it,” Wallace told WTMJ.

RELATED: 3 considerations for safer parades

Last week, Wallace was finally reunited with Lopez and her son.

“My body is hurt or painful, but my spirit is strong and that’s the most important,” Lopez told Wallace at their meeting.

Lopez was brought to tears and thanked Wallace for his help. She is continuing her recovery at home, according to the report.

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