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The Police1 Resource Center brings our knowledge off the website and onto your desk. Download checklists, guides, ebooks and more to print, keep at your desk and share with your department.

Ditch the “all-or-nothing” attitude and replace it with “a little goes a long way” approach by following these five steps
To track your nutrition, you need to see what, when and how much you actually eat
Take our survey to measure how your department stacks up when it comes to supporting employees
A quick scroll through these influencers’ pages will inspire you to get off the station couch and hit the gym – or at least consider it!
Download this guide to access resources and tactics to improve school safety
Download this guide to learn why EVs are a good fit for law enforcement and how to plan for adoption
There will be both ups and downs, but you will meet incredible people and work with some of the best folks on the planet
Download a resiliency checklist to measure the four most effective pathways to resilience: hardiness, self-enhancement, repressive coping and positive emotions
2022: The year’s biggest moments and trends
Strategies for success in 23 key areas of policing
Download this guide to access resources and strategies to improve officer mental well-being
Download this guide to access resources and tactics to improve officer safety