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Emergency Communication

Here’s how your agency can tap into federal funds available under the American Rescue Plan to help recover costs and improve communications systems and other critical tools
Tech-facilitated improvements in coordination, collaboration and communication enable officers to deliver a more effective and safer response
The Lab tests devices and applications before they are deployed in the field
Outages were reported in Texas, Nebraska, Nevada and South Dakota; the Federal Communications Commission is investigating the issue
The former leader of several Illinois 911 centers will lead business development in six Midwest states
The largest law enforcement event of its kind in the world, the race attracts 9,000 participants, staff and spectators each year for an event that spans 24 hours and 106 miles
ATLS is an innovative, easily integrated location and mapping service, combining ELi Technology’s patented EML with GeoComm’s technology enabling accurate indoor location mapping via Wi-Fi access points
“I hope by inviting a current 911 dispatcher, I am able to bring awareness to this important issue and my bill, the 911 Saves Act to finally give them the recognition and resources they need and deserve,” Rep. Norma Torres said
“To have this develop -- and it wasn’t just five- or 10-minute outage, as a corrected minor problem -- it was for several hours that AT&T was not working,” one sheriff said. “And that just can’t be done”
The company is building a safety and security ecosystem to connect public safety agencies and enterprises to help protect people, property and places
“The integration of GeoComm Indoor Maps into RapidSOS Premium will enable telecommunicators to deliver invaluable guidance to emergency personnel as they respond to emergency calls indoors,” said Jeff Liebl, GeoComm President and CEO
OnSolve CodeRED will provide The ADAM Program with the first-ever targeted SMS alerting of missing children information to millions of US residents
HxGN Connect will provide mapping, emergency response, artificial intelligence capabilities for Colorado tourist hub
“We have identified and employed the latest technology in an effort to ensure connectivity within our communications network,” Sheriff Michael Filicetti said
Key findings from the Verizon Frontline Public Safety Communications survey
Why technology is the key to avoiding the next 9/11 and MCI preparedness
Data collected will help assess emergency communications capabilities and needs of federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments
The benefits of 5G are not limited to wireless phone use
Public safety leaders reflect on the 21st anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks and the legacy of 9/11 in the emergency services
The T-Mobile wireless network makes use of both low- and mid-band frequencies to deliver America’s largest 5G network and new operational capabilities for first responder agencies
The new iPhone 13 Pro Max cellphones will allow officers to work on their phones instead of at the station
Read, save and share these resources to ensure each public safety agency is ready to respond and collaborate while on scene of your next potential MCI
Rave Aware aims to help agencies share data, collaborate on response and ultimately improve first responder safety and response times
What3words has made it possible to locate any place on earth in just three words, and PSAPs are taking notice
Although smartphones are clearly introducing new operational capabilities, there are other relevant technologies emerging that will further this trend
Here’s what procurement officers need to keep in mind to ensure their department gets optimal FirstNet connectivity and capability
You’re in the middle of over a million other people at the Super Bowl and need to make an urgent phone call to your CO. Will you be able to? With FirstNet you can
Mobile technology has become a force multiplier for public safety, improving overall situational awareness and the effective use of limited resources
In this free guide, we outline how to prepare your agency and personnel for communications in the FirstNet era