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Gun Control

Protecting our communities from threats takes intense effort, rational behavior and logical thinking
Some may shudder at the words “consent to search.” But hear me out
Cops and citizens could become victims of these new statutes if due process and other fundamental liberties are violated
The woman bought the gun for her boyfriend who used it to shoot and kill Officer Kerrie Orozoco
That law is currently being challenged in a lawsuit filed by a pair of law enforcement groups
Despite the uptick in favor of tighter gun laws, Americans remain deeply divided
The ordinance would also require vendors to submit a weekly report to police
The lawsuit argues that the ordinance violates existing state regulations
Academics have never conclusively proved a causal relationship between tougher gun laws and lower crime rates
Researchers who have studied the issue argue they generally do, but with some caveats
New York and Connecticut banned possession of semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity magazines
The classes are eight hours, with time being divided between classroom lecture and range practice
The gun shop owners could be held financially responsible for a crime committed with a weapon purchased at their store
The city has a reputation for having some of the strictest gun laws but has experienced an increase in homicides
The business said saying it can no longer operate in the city’s political climate of increased gun control regulations
The officer was in a marked polo shirt which is within the restaurant’s policy for carrying firearms
Police found a loaded gun inside a hollowed-out lockbox that resembles the Bible
Court records suggest gunman should have been reported to the databases that keep mentally ill people from buying guns
FBI attributed the problem to incomplete and inaccurate paperwork
Dylann Storm Roof, already charged with nine counts of murder, received three new charges of attempted murder
Union argues that retired officers shouldn’t be held to rules
They would be permitted in places such as colleges and day cares and on private aircraft
Law allows guns in bars without restriction and in some churches, schools and government buildings under certain circumstances
If an active shooter is not stopped as they progress through the first four phases, the only way they can be stopped is by my version of gun control during the fifth phase — here’s my definition of gun control
Gonzaga University students were faced with robbery, possible home invasion attempt by 6-time felon