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On-demand webinar: The 6 key trends impacting U.S. public safety in 2024

Trends that will guide U.S. public safety organizations to success and transformation

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flashing police siren escort during the demonstration

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2023 continued to be a challenging year for public safety. Agencies were faced with more severe weather events, large scale critical incidents, and a barrage of cyber and ransomware attacks targeting the public sector. As 2024 unfolds will it be more of the same or are there different challenges that lie ahead?

Join industry leaders for this informative discussion about the key trends that will help agencies like yours to successfully navigate the public safety landscape in 2024. You’ll gain valuable insights and actionable strategies that can transform your agency and ensure you’re prepared for the challenges that await in 2024.


“Covered a range of topics quickly and efficiently.”

“The information provided here on AI is important to all police agencies.”

“Great panelists!”



L - R: Matt Polega, Larry Zorio, Kathleen O’Toole

Matt Polega is Co-Founder and President of Mark43, where he oversees all planning and execution of all outward-facing Mark43 efforts, including company and product brand, positioning, thought leadership, employer branding, and public relations. Matt developed the earliest iteration of the Mark43 RMS, and he remains deeply connected to the mission and what it takes to build effective public safety technology. In 2015, Matt was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 for Enterprise Technology. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from Harvard University, where he was also the captain of the Division I Track and Field team.

Larry Zorio is the Chief Information Security Officer for Mark43, where he leads a team of cybersecurity experts. He and his team diligently protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of enterprise and customer data, assets, networks, and products while meeting public safety agencies’ unique security needs worldwide. Larry has more than 20 years of cybersecurity experience. He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Information Systems from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and a Master of Science in Innovation from the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University. He is an adviser to universities and technology companies, helping them chart a path in this technology-focused world.

Kathleen O’Toole is a career police officer who led departments in two major cities, as commissioner of the Boston Police Department and chief of the Seattle Police Department. She is recognized internationally as a principled leader and innovator who drives reform and establishes frameworks for effective policing. She chaired the Commission for the Future of Policing in Ireland, served as chief inspector of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate, and was a member of the Independent Commission for Policing in Northern Ireland, considered a critical element of the peace process. A lawyer and Ph.D., O’Toole recently co-authored the book, “Seven Ways to Fix Policing NOW.”