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In rural areas where a beat can cover hundreds of square miles and backup is far away, a cop’s patrol rig is a shelter, shed and toolbox
Drownings can happen in any body of water, at any time of the year, anywhere in the country
Real-world data of high-dose naloxone administration by law enforcement officers found no added benefit to opioid overdose patients
Just because a person suddenly reports chest pain or breathing problems doesn’t mean they are faking
The potency and availability of fentanyl pose significant challenges for law enforcement, with overdose deaths continuing to rise
The Police Benevolent Association alleged the policy goes against previous legal agreements allowing officers to take prescribed steroids without consulting a district surgeon
Chief William Anthony Anderson Sr. had served with the Northeast Mississippi Community College Campus Police for almost 10 years and had served in law enforcement for a total of 24 years
The new law rolls back a 2020 voter-approved measure by making so-called personal use possession a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail
The city agreed to pay the officer $145,000 and to rewrite its civil service medical examiner’s policies
Former Yavapai-Apache Tribal Officer Preston Brogdon was pursuing medical retirement when he received a letter from the department telling him he had been terminated
“In law enforcement, we have a lot of things...we have to respond to,’’ Lt. Mike House said. “And we do what we have to do. This was really no different. Somebody needed something to live, and I was very lucky to be able to help”
“We’re not paramedics, we’re not firefighters, we’re not EMS, but oftentimes we find ourselves [at the scene] first and we have the opportunity to save a life,” Clark County Sheriff Kevin McMahill stated
Officer Melina Lim, along with three doctors who had been running the race, administered CPR to an EMT who collapsed during the race; the next year, they all walked it together
“This is helping us to do both roles … provide security for the scene as well as provide medical treatment for the patient that needs it,” a deputy medic with Hoke County Sheriff’s Office said
Winthrop Police Department Officer Robert Jaworski is credited with saving the life of baby Savannah after he delivered back blows to clear her airways
Dr. Kenji Inaba’s training helps officers on the field treat gunshot wounds and other injuries; officers in the metropolitan division undergo medical training drills every four weeks
“I’m glad that I was at the right place at the right time. Like I said, that’s what we’re here to do,” Officer Chad Stevens said. “It’s different every day. It keeps you on your toes”
Officer Michael Cain Maxheimer, 39, had served in law enforcement for 16 years; he is survived by his girlfriend and three daughters
Mountain Man Medical offers a refresher on initial patient assessment and management in under two hours
“Having experienced something like this less than six months on the force is definitely something I’m proud of, and again, I just thank God I was able to perform in the moment,” Officer Soren Osicka said
Measure 110, which was passed by voters in 2020, decriminalized possession of illicit substances if the amounts were small enough to be for personal use
Addressing the critical issues of cardiac health for police officers
“Officer [Pierce] Norton was highly regarded by those he worked with, his supervisors and all that knew him, both within the Department and by those he served,” the Boston Police Department said
Researchers said the new tool, oral fluid testing, would be cheaper for law enforcement agencies, require less training and allow investigators to determine a driver’s impairment through minimally invasive methods
“Naloxone is a necessary tool ... it should be available and accessible in as many places as possible, in the same way we have fire extinguishers and defibrillators in case of emergencies,” council member Tyler Dos Santos-Tam said
“[Laws decriminalizing drug use are] having a negative impact on public safety. That’s the message I want to get out there,” El Cajon PD Chief Mike Moulton said
In just six years, fentanyl has become the prominent driver of opioid overdose deaths, going from causing about 20% of fatal opioid ODs in 2016 to causing almost all of them — 92% — in 2022