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To fulfill our editorial mission to deliver the most comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the critical issues impacting law enforcement, the Police1 columnist roster features subject matter experts from each discipline within the policing profession.

Police1 columnists provide unique, on-the-job insights gathered from decades of experience working in many different types of departments and agencies across the country.

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Show your pet’s public safety pride with these pet sweaters, tags and costumes
For moms who serve as first responders, a practical gift they can use while on duty is a perfect choice
Prioritize your wellbeing to pave the way for sustained healthy living
A baby boom has resulted in 15 tiny additions to the force
A review of the effective strategies and calm professionalism of police forces nationwide in managing recent civil disturbances
Officers and their families need training and education before the bullets are flying
Learn about the crucial need to grasp and transform paradigms, emphasizing persistent effort in cultivating habits that strengthen leadership abilities
Take charge of your health with these helpful kitchen tools for better nutrition
Lt. Dan Marcou highlights how leadership is demonstrated through both actions and words