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To fulfill our editorial mission to deliver the most comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the critical issues impacting law enforcement, the Police1 columnist roster features subject matter experts from each discipline within the policing profession.

Police1 columnists provide unique, on-the-job insights gathered from decades of experience working in many different types of departments and agencies across the country.

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Maintaining your situational awareness will provide good judgment, clear analysis, and proper decisions as you face the tactical challenges of a barricaded gunmen
The “3 Cs” can increase the chances of successful decision-making and scene management during these complex incidents
Understanding how non-covered pensions reduce your Social Security benefits and what you might do about it could save you thousands of dollars
Improve the odds of retiring on your terms by taking advantage of other account and employment options
The dark thoughts we hide can become lethal. But when these thoughts are brought into the light of day, we can openly evaluate them, and remember what keeps us in the fight
Grief and fear readily get transformed into anger when people are hurting
In rural areas where a beat can cover hundreds of square miles and backup is far away, a cop’s patrol rig is a shelter, shed and toolbox
How to master the art of speedy handcuff application and removal
A properly maintained patrol rifle with good magazines and quality ammunition will rarely malfunction, which is exactly why you should set up malfunctions in training