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With the proliferation of fentanyl-laced pills masquerading as prescription drugs, just one pill might be one too many
Retired DEA agent and expert guests explore drug production, trafficking, and the role of law enforcement and harm reduction to combat the flow of fentanyl into our communities
Opioid settlement funding will continue for 11 to 18 years, and it is expected that more settlements will be forthcoming. Is your agency getting its share?
Identifying regional differences helps officers to shape how they respond to the nation’s biggest drug crisis
Prevent exposure to narcotics and other hazardous substances with proper precautions and decontamination procedures
More than 90 percent of officers in a recent survey said they are worried about fentanyl exposure, but many lack clear procedures, effective testing tools and adequate PPE
Consider federal, state and local programs for equipment purchase or to fund a specific program or collaborative effort
The dangers of opioids are forcing police to change the way they test drugs found during traffic stops or arrests
While the hazards of fentanyl exposure are significant for LEOs, it’s important to understand the myths and realities
See how your clean-up process for potential hazards like drugs and bodily fluids measures up in this free infographic
The Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders gives unified, evidence-based suggestions in the case of suspected fentanyl exposure
In this free guide, our PoliceGrantsHelp staff provide the information you need to plan your approach and secure grants funding
The differences between vial- and paper-based narcotic field test kits are significant
The dangers of fentanyl exposure have forced police agencies to reconsider their procedures for field testing and investigation of unknown substances
Chalino Sanchez’s music quickly became the anthem of Sinaloan drug culture