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Officer Safety

The Officer Safety topic page has the specific mission of keeping cops safe through current & quality information, with tips, columnist commentary and the latest news updates. The Officer Safety topic page is a key resource for officers everywhere.

On October 17, 2023, a Texas Ranger Sergeant brought justice to the killers of Lt. Milton Resendez, earning the Medal of Valor for his heroic actions
Being willing to employ an effective technique or tactic the instant it is justified will do more to control a suspect than starting with an inadequate one
Police departments must prepare to use proven team tactics for crowd control to ensure demonstrations remain peaceful and lawful assemblies
Standing nearly six feet tall, the robots act as a visible deterrent, equipped with cameras, night vision and two-way audio, the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office said
As officers were arresting one suspect, a second suspect emerged from a back room and opened fire, striking Officer S. Durfee
The National Distracted Driving Coalition encourages drivers to activate phone settings that block notifications while driving to reduce crashes caused by distraction
The driver led Bellevue PD officers on a pursuit; once the vehicle stopped, the driver fled on foot while trying to light a fuse connected to a tennis ball filled with explosive powder
A pivotal 2020 case examines how TASER logs and video footage can impact an ongoing debate surrounding police use of force
If all you see are bandages and a bottle of antiseptic, then you need to be a little bit concerned
So far in 2024, 1,975 officers have been assaulted, compared to 1,763 at this time last year; officer assaults have risen 60% since 2019
Be cognizant of what is working – and what is not – and be flexible enough to change tactics quickly as needed
The suspect allegedly banged on the window of a Port Authority police cruiser before climbing in and trying to drive away; the officer was injured as he prevented the theft
The man was at the station when Lexington County deputies realized that he had an active warrant; when they tried to arrest him, he fled in a vehicle, striking one
The real-time GPS-based traffic updates from Illinois State Police will send notifications to drivers using Google Maps or Waze to help prevent “Move Over” crashes
“I got people jumping on my car. Get me cars up here now,” a Cleveland Police officer can be heard saying
Ferguson Officer Travis “TJ” Brown sustained a head injury on Aug. 9 when a protester tackled him to the ground
While there is no one way to do the job, this is a list of basics for every cop on the street
LEOs must develop fundamental knowledge and skills in tactical operations to credibly address horrific active shooter incidents
Both the public and cops have many misconceptions about police crowd control
Failure to plan is planning to fail, and that’s glaringly evident when large-scale civil unrest breaks out
“Without warning, the individual attacked the officer while pulling a knife from his clothing. The suspect slashed and stabbed the officer,” Santa Monica Police stated
“We are seeing this happen throughout the country,” Police Chief Dorothy Todd said. “We take this very serious and this is more than just a traffic issue. These are felony crimes”
Your hard-earned knowledge about active shooter events may help to prevent your loved ones from becoming victims
Unfortunately, law enforcement agencies have traditionally been hesitant to engage in this kind of self-analysis and information sharing
We should be doing more to harness the wisdom of street cops and what they learn from every shift
Courage is not taking action in the absence of fear, but taking action in spite of fear
These principles will help you physically, legally and emotionally survive law enforcement
Matt Walsh discusses how the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is using data collection, peer-driven support programs and trauma therapy to save lives in the law enforcement community
Axon’s Thi Luu and Andy Wrenn explain how portable virtual reality training pods and realistic scenarios can improve officer performance, safety and community engagement