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Rapid Response

Multiple roadway LODDs in early 2020 are tragic reminders of the importance of time, distance and shielding to reduce hot zone risk
Just as with the Midland and Odessa shootings earlier this year, the Jersey City shooting hints at a vexing problem for law enforcement ‒ countering mobile killers
These shootings show just how difficult it can be for law enforcement to stop a highly mobile killer
When one cop is found out to be dirty, it besmirches the badge for the 99.99 percent of officers out there doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons
Know that if you do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons, the criminal justice system should still favor you and your actions, despite hostile press and public sentiment
Work with your communities to educate them on their role in preventing (and responding to) active killer incidents — and review your own training to ensure you are confident in your response plan
Constant updates from a PIO reduces speculation and uncertainty, which is important for those with loved ones involved
We must keep educating the public about what happens in a rapidly unfolding, high-stress, potentially life-threatening deadly force encounter, as well as whatever legal proceedings follow such an event
The courts have held that off-duty conduct will not be protected if the agency can prove a nexus between the offending conduct and the officer’s employment
Cops are rightly filled with anger and sadness about yet another ambush attack on a LEO, but one element to this story can be held up and praised: the actions of ordinary citizens who rushed to his aid
Although the mainstream media won’t report on the silent but steadfast support most citizens have for cops (good news is not good for revenues), we know that good people do exist
What lessons from the incident today in Tennessee can you take with you if the next active shooter incident happens in your jurisdiction?
Crowd control
Too often in the post-Ferguson era we’ve seen public protests turned into violent clashes with burned buildings and injured persons on both sides of the fray
Whether or not Houser was conducting a classic copycat crime may never be known, but similarities in the two incidents cannot be understated