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CSI / Forensics

The CSI / Forensics topic provides up-to-date information about technology, science, history, law, and strategy of of CSI and Forensics teams.

CSI photographers must know how to properly document the scene by choosing appropriate vantage points for overall, mid-range, close-up and macro photos
How lenses, lighting and color balance achieve the most accurate representation of in situ evidence
Two criminalists from the Washoe County (Nevada) Sheriff’s Office Forensic Science Division combine their passion for forensic science with their love for public education
The city’s success in clearing the backlog could be a model for other cities facing similar problems
Police in Denver are leading a national trend to put ballistics evidence into the hands of investigators quicker — before leads dry up and suspects disappear
Vice President Joe Biden says $41 million in federal funds approved by Congress will help clear rape kit backlogs across the country
Memphis, Houston, Cleveland and Detroit are among the U.S. cities working to reduce a backlog of thousands of untested rape kits
A judge tossed Woods’ conviction in September after new DNA tests linked the Reno crime to an Oregon inmate
Evidence from more than 6,600 rape kits that went untested for years have turned up 850 hits in the FBI’s nationwide database of DNA profiles
Graham’s slaying illustrates why expansion of Virginia’s DNA collection effort is a good idea, proponents say
New research has found that bacteria may be the next generation of forensic evidence used in police investigations
RapidHIT generates quality DNA profiles from reference samples such as buccal swabs in approximately 90 minutes
Portable device offers a forensic lab in the palm of your hand
The time to start thinking about funding is now. Read below for more information from
Kevin Wayne Quick, 45, of Rockfish, Va. is now confirmed dead, as state police investigate the circumstances of this case
Travis Anthony Crouch, 46, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head
Andrew W. Six was executed in Missouri for the 1987 murder of a 12-year-old girl
Authorities were looking for Harry Mapps, 59, a former handyman who rented a room at the home where 3 were found dead
Apartment and condo managers are turning to DNA testing to identify the owners who don’t clean up after their pets
World-renowned expert Dr. Bruce Budowle talks about the current and future state of DNA testing as it’s brought directly into the hands of officers
Fast, reliable DNA results processed by officers right in the booking station
Fully automated, tabletop system provides DNA analysis results in less than 85 minutes
Flashback Data has services designed to extract the data from damaged and/or encrypted storage media for as little as $500
MorphoBIS allows a latent print examiner to photograph or scan a finger or palm print card taken from a crime scene
The testing of the technology is still in “early stages” and isn’t expected to be ready for several years
DNA testing proved a man thought to be a couple’s son returned to them after he was kidnapped is of no relation
Albert DeSalvo admitted to killing Mary Sullivan and 10 other women in the Boston area between 1962 and 1964 but later recanted, he was later killed in prison
Advances in DNA technology have allowed investigators to link suspect Albert DeSalvo to the last victim
Over 4 weeks, detectives uncovered a gun purchase, ballistics evidence and car damage that linked a suspect to the shooting
The unit uses ultraviolet light instead of powder to detect fingerprints and other evidence
A federal court opinion illustrates why police need to educate judges on new technology
A burglar’s decision to knock back a couple of beers during a break-in at an upstate New York home led to his arrest