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Data/Information Sharing

Learn how Larsen’s hefty donation for officer wellness and community engagement builds on his extensive history of supporting law enforcement in the City by the Bay
Understand the 5G frequency bands and how to develop a secure, resilient comms solution that fits your budget
A powerful platform that integrates data sources enhances the department’s speed and investigative prowess
Using advanced technology for more efficient investigations

Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to improve investigations
Digital vs. real identities
Download this Police1 LIDAR Units buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
LEAs that interact with the federal government must adhere to its requirements – here’s an overview
This powerful platform delivers resilient streaming – and can be up and running quickly and easily
Create efficiencies by using AI and machine learning to help uncover relevant information, enrich data and surface connections that lead to more informed decisions, faster
New insight on avoiding disruptive connectivity outages
The Violent Person File provides officers with information about individuals who may have a propensity for violence against law enforcement
The bill would provide for information sharing and dissemination, emulating the New Jersey State Police real-time crime center; there, agecies are tied into a real-time computer chat to report car thefts and information
Join our expert panel as they share invaluable lessons and best practices for agencies aspiring to launch or enhance their real-time crimefighting capabilities
Veritone’s AI-powered redaction software enables a primary state law enforcement agency to streamline processes and address ever-increasing FOIA requests
The study by First HELP and CNA Corporation identified more deaths by suicide between 2016 and 2022 than an FBI database; it emphasized the need for more accurate federal reporting
The new module streamlines processes, ensuring that assessments are performed fully and efficiently while capturing comprehensive, actionable data
Cutting-edge platforms can enhance organizations’ capabilities, improve their performance, and empower faster, better decisions
The class action suit alleges LexisNexis faked identity thefts, froze credit files and damaged credit reports
Over 20 states have enacted legislation to provide digital mapping, site-specific labeling, critical details to first responders
Having access to centralized data in one platform can streamline operations and inform tactical operations while boosting transparency and trust
This powerful platform turns your data into meaningful information
The officers say personal information about where they live and family information fell into the hands of criminals who used data brokers to access the information
“Well over 5,000 cops were attacked and injured last year – that’s not only a record, it’s a full-blown epidemic,” Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry stated
The NYPD began an information exchange program with N.J. agencies, allowing law enforcement to share information about car thefts across state lines
OnSolve CodeRED will provide The ADAM Program with the first-ever targeted SMS alerting of missing children information to millions of US residents
New Mexico tops the list of U.S. states in terms of 911 call frequency, with 1,169 calls per 1,000 residents
An independent review was conducted after a 2018 report claimed more than 100 troopers had falsified racial profiling data; the review found most “falsified” records were unintentional errors