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Terrorism Prevention and Response

Because American cops are on the front lines in counterterrorism, the Terrorism Prevention and Response topic page is updated with news and information to protect the homeland from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The death of a firefighter attendee and the wounding of three others, including former President Trump, is a tragic reminder of gunshot wound assessment and treatment challenges
For anyone protecting major events, the known threats are easy to track, but the unknowns manifest in blind spots that can cause unwanted surprises
A veteran officer breaks down the rigorous process to land the job — do you have what it takes?
Onondaga County authorities have approved a search of the suspect’s home and are considering charges of terroristic threatening
Download this Police1 WMD-detection equipment buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Terrorists were behind attacks that targeted churches and a synagogue and killed at least 15 police officers and four civilians, including a priest
The guide offers a clear road map for organizations aiming to protect against hate crimes and terrorist threats
The man struck the officers in the head with the machete and tried to grab an officer’s gun
The essential role of local police in early detection, containment and forensic investigation of CBRN threats
The grants will help ensure local communities have the resources and capabilities to prevent threats to the homeland
This guide will help you submit a successful application, enabling your agency to meet its funding requirements and effectively tackle future challenges
The FBI arrested the 18-year-old after he made a social media statement about “respond(ing) to the call to the caliphate by killing Jews and Christians”
Our government built its public warning systems around AM radio because it’s the most reliable form of communication if disaster strikes
The policy defines hate groups as organizations that use force for denying rights, promoting ideological goals or advocating illegal systemic prejudice
After the suspect drove his car into the consulate, he stood against a wall and made “multiple, rapid, downward swinging motions with the knife” toward officers
“If you have excess law enforcement protective equipment, my office will collect them and ship it to the Israel Defense Forces,” the AG said in a letter to all 123 Va. sheriffs
The delegation was near the Gaza strip for counterterrorism and antisemitism training when the Hamas attacks began Saturday
On Sept. 11, 2001, Dave Gallart was a 37-year-old father of two, assigned to the NYPD’s Highway Patrol; this is his story of survival on that nightmarish morning
Thirty-seven Port Authority Police officers and K-9 Sirius died during the attacks on the World Trade Center; Lt. David Lim was one of 14 who survived the collapse of the North Tower in stairwell B
Bradley Saunders, an executive at Morgan Stanley, found himself at the foot of the World Trade Center following an early meeting on 9/11. The events he witnessed that day catalyzed a profound shift in his career trajectory
Kaczynski conducted a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others
“It is incredible the amount of drugs being seized at the border.”
With lawmakers in limbo, I’m betting on cops and communities to win the fight against radicalization
Officer Sean Collier was killed during an encounter with the Tsarnaev brothers who were responsible for the bombing
Ridon Kola posted several times his intent to murder numerous officers and his support for ISIS
The deadly bombing killed six people and injured more than 1,000 — becoming a harbinger of terror at the twin towers
At least 19 people are facing the serious charge, and a few are linked to the ‘defend the forest’ movement
One of the officers attacked suffered a fractured skull and severe injuries that required internal and external stitches
Federal funding for law enforcement in 2023 will focus on reducing violent crime, combatting drug trafficking and protecting democratic institutions